Today's Inspiration:

4 - Good money management begins with
Understanding God's Universal Law of Living:

Genesis 8:22
22 "While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease."
New King James Version

God instituted the universal Law of Seedtime and Harvest to be a blessing to the human race:
This law is for the benefit of everyone.

Whether or not humans acknowledge God, the law of Seedtime and Harvest will work in our favour if we employ it positively.

The Law of Seedtime and Harvest works like this:
if I PUT IN before I expect to TAKE OUT, I will prosper in life.

This law is basic to every area of life: not only in the area of money.

For example, if I work for my employer first - that is PUT IN work - then he will pay me at the end of the time period we have agreed upon - that is TAKE OUT wages.

In other words:
I must GIVE before I can expect to RECEIVE.

Father, I understand that Your law of Seedtime and Harvest is put in place by You to attack and deal with selfishness in me.
Forgive this selfish attitude in me, Father.
Today I commit myself to living by your law of GIVING before I expect to RECEIVE,
in Jesus' name,

Next installment tomorrow, God willing!
See you then, and meanwhile,
Have a great day walking with Jesus,
Sol Wise.